Montrose - Ethylene Oxide
Ethylene Oxide Solutions

Ethylene Oxide

Montrose offers a wide range of integrated services for Ethylene Oxide (EtO) sterilization facilities and chemical manufacturing plants that use EtO, covering regulatory compliance to testing to CEMS installation. We meet the specialized requirements of EtO sterilizers and chemical manufacturers through a network of offices in the U.S. and Canada.

Used as both as a sterilant and an intermediate in chemical manufacturing, ethylene oxide is a known human carcinogen; its health risk was updated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2016. In addressing this risk, Montrose has conducted some of the in the U.S. where regulatory and public scrutiny are high.

Montrose EtO testing services include ambient air monitoring, source testing, laboratory analysis, LDAR, and CEMS installation—as well as regulatory compliance to enable clients to achieve and maintain compliance with federal, state, and local regulations. Our team of specialists has decades of experience, so we’re ready to tackle the most challenging projects, implement innovative solutions, and deliver successful outcomes.

For specific services related to our offerings, please see below.

Ethylene Oxide Services

Montrose can perform real-time ambient measurements down to 100 ppt, using a mobile van equipped with a Proton Transfer Reaction Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer (PTR-TOF-MS). Our ambient and fenceline services include traditional canister sampling utilizing EPA Method TO-15. Enthalpy Analytical, our environmental laboratory testing team, has developed a robust EPA Method TO-15 approach capable of accurately measuring Ethylene oxide down to 10 ppt (0.010 ppb).

Our source testing teams specialize in performing compliance and engineering testing at sterilization facilities and chemical plants and can test adsorbers, scrubbers, and various types of oxidizers. We’ve pioneered the use of StarBoostTM enhanced FTIR for real-time measurements of EtO down to 5 ppb.

Montrose also specializes in the installation, operations, and maintenance of Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS) for both ambient and stack applications. Custom CEMS applications can be developed to measure multiple streams with one instrument and make measurements of EtO down to 5 ppb.

Additional testing and lab services:

  • Installation and operation of Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS), using the latest technologies including Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR).
  • CEMS operations and maintenance, as well as periodic quality assurance audits
  • Source Testing for ethylene oxide down to 5 ppb
  • Initial Start-up, Engineering and Compliance Testing
  • Optimization Studies on Absorbers, Scrubbers and Oxidizers
  • Ambient Air and Fenceline Sampling Studies using EPA Method TO-15
  • Real-time Continuous Ambient Measurements using proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-TOF-MS)
  • Laboratory Analysis of TO-15 canister samples for ethylene oxide down to 10 ppt
  • Site-specific public health and occupational exposure and risk assessments
  • Exposure and dose reconstruction
  • Risk-based study design support
  • Risk communication to multiple stakeholders, including employees, regulators, and the public
  • Systematic literature reviews
  • Emergency response
  • Litigation support
  • Air Permitting – New Construction, modifications, and renewals, Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD), Major Source Title V Operating Permits
  • Permitting Evaluations – Assessing requirements for potential projects including air dispersion modeling to identify the optimal permitting approach.
  • Agency negotiations, addressing public comments and petitions
  • Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI), New Source Performance Standard (NSPS), and National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) Compliance Support
  • Air Recordkeeping and Reporting – Preparing monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, and annual compliance reports
  • Risk Management Plan (RMP) development
  • GHG Mandatory Reporting – Preparing and submitting annual GHG reports
  • Leak Detection and Measurement using EPA Method 21
  • Consulting and Support Services including Inspection and Maintenance Plans, Custom Regulatory Training, Third Party Audits, Emissions Inventory, and Fugitive Emission Management Program (FEMP) Development
  • Data Management & Reporting Software including Centralized Online Database, Custom Field Data Entry Software, and Customized Reporting